O Festival do Rio announces the selected two competitive shows and parallel shows of Première Brasil 2021, with productions of new and consecrated directors from all over the country. As competitive exhibitions gather fiction films and documentaries, long and short films. In the Première Brasil program, there are also the films Hors Concours, a competition for new languages, Première Brasil Novos Rumos, and a Première Brasil Especial with great tributes to classic films and great cinema names. This year the show “O estado das coisas” brings together productions that support and discuss contemporary questions of great relevance on various otics and different narrative forms.
“Among all the impacts caused by the pandemic, it is relevant to the way the Brazilian cinema registers over two years of intense online debate for lack of a face-to-face meeting”, says Ilda Santiago, director of the Festival's programming. “A selection of this year shows a forte Brazilian cinema, full of reflection and, despite daily battles, soon to save a place with the public. Our motto this year is 'I have two hours of life and go to cinema to see the world' ”.
This edition of the Rio de Janeiro Festival marks the return of the Rio de Janeiro City Hall to the event as a supporter. E a Firjan renews or supports the event.
“We spent five years with the support of the Prefeitura. This return allows the existence of the edition of this year, in a compact format, but giving back to the city a face-to-face experience and inviting the public to return to the rooms. The city of Rio has a vocation for the creative industry, especially the audiovisual industry, and we need to develop skills and knowledge to expand this vocation ”, says Vilma Lustosa, director of marketing and communication at Festival do Rio.
Abaixo complete selection of the Première Brasil 2021 do Festival do Rio:
Première Brasil - competição Longa ficção - A viagem de Pedro, by Laís Bodanzky - Casa Vazia, by Giovani Borba - Cora, by Gustavo Rosa de Moura and Matias Mariani - Medusa, by Anita Rocha da Silveira - Provisory Measure, by Lázaro Ramos - Meu Tio José, by Ducca Rios - Mundo Novo, by Alvaro Campos - O pai da Rita, by Joel Zito Araújo - O livro dos prazeres, by Marcela Lordy - Sol, by Lô Politi
Première Brasil - competição Longa documentário - BR Trans, by Tatiana Issa and Raphael Alvarez - Cafí, by Lírio Ferreira and Natara Ney - Manguebit, by Jura Capela - O melhor lugar do mundo é agora, by Caco Ciocler - Rolé - Histórias de Rolezinhos, by Vladimir Seixas - Uma baía by Murilo Salles
Première Brasil - Novos Rumos competição longas - Barragem, by Eduardo Ades - Diário de Viagem, by Paula Kim - Os Grandes Vulcões, by Fernando Kinas and Thiago B. Mendonça - Os Dragões, by Gustavo Spolidoro - Os Primeiros Soldados, by Rodrigo de Oliveira - O dia da Posse, by Allan Ribeiro - Rio Doce, by Fellipe Fernandes
Première Brazil - competição curtas - Colmeia, by Maurício Chades (GO) - Da janela vejo o mundo, by Ana Catarina Lugarini (PR) - Depois quando, by Johnny Massaro (RJ) - Fim do dia, by Rafael Raposo (RJ) - Jamary, by Begê Muniz (AM) - Masar - caminhos à mesa, by Amina Nogueira and Ana Sanz (RJ) - Video model, by Leonardo Lacca (PE) - O Nascimento de Helena, by Rodrigo Almeida (RN) - Quando o tempo de lembrar bastou, by Felipe Quadra (RJ) - Solitude, by Tami Martins and Aron Miranda (AP) - Tecido, sigil of Lucílio Jota (RJ) - Tereza Joséfa de Jesus, by Samuel Costa (RJ) - VIVXS! by Claudia Schapira, Roberta Estrela D'Alva and Tatiana Lohmann (SP)
Première Brasil Novos Rumos - competição curtas - Centelha, by Renato Vallone (RJ) - Chão de factory, by Nina Kopko (SP) - Ibeji Ibeji, by Victor Rodrigues (RJ) - Lina, by Melise Fremiot (RJ) - O founded dos nossos corações, by Letícia Leão ( RJ) - Okofá, by Daniela Caprine, Mariana Bispo, Pedro Henrique Martins, Rafael Rodrigues e Thamires Case (SP) - Meu coração já não aguenta mais, by Fabrício Brambatti (SP) - Uma paciência selvagem me trouxe até aqui, by Érika Sarmet (RJ)
Première Brasil Hors Concours longas - Alemão 2, by José Eduardo Belmonte - A suspeita, by Pedro Peregrino - Capitu eo chapter, by Júlio Bressane - Eduardo e Mônica, René Sampaio - Ela e eu, by Gustavo Rosa de Moura - Marinheiro das Montanhas, by Karim Aïnouz - Meu love album, by Rafael Gomes - O Circo voltou, by Paulo Caldas - Papai é Pop, by Caíto Ortiz - Turma da Mônica 2: lições, by Daniel Rezende
Première Brasil Hors Concours curtas - Ato, by Bárbara Paz
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