6. I imagine you are working on a new project, can you reveal it?
I'm going through several processes, now I'm going to focus on finishing Every woman, the documentary, while I'm working on publishing my second book of poetry, I'm deciding between two manuscripts, I already have the titles, but I can't say them yet. And at this moment, just today, I am considering venturing into a new writing process to talk about a delicate moment that I am going through with the experience of family and dog care. 
7. Finally, how do you define yourself when facing the world?
I know that you bring a lot of sensitivity that you surely reveal in your roles and in your poetry. It is a complicated question to answer, perhaps it would be up to those who know me to answer it. I believe that "I think therefore I am, I think, but I insist" and after searching for many answers, I suppose that I am tenacious, creative, sensitive as you say and I could say many other things, which could evaporate. As human beings we have contradictions, moments when we are one way or another, it depends on how we are, not because we are fickle, it is simply because we are human beings. We learn through integrating opposites. In that process, I always try to be sensitive, a good person and contribute what I can, with my successes and my mistakes. Integrating the shadow. As I think all people should do
Thank you very much for answering my questions for the film magazine Cinecritic
Pedro García Cueto, professor, writer and film and literature critic

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